A 1901 clipping from the local Middleport paper:
The annual commencement exercises of the Mdpt. Union High School will be held at the opera house this eve. at 8:15, June 26, 1901. The class motto is “Climb though the rocks be rugged”. Grads. in the academic course are: Misses Clara Louise Bates, Gertrude Louise Benson, Cornelia Lucy Freeman, Martha Eleanore Pollard, Elizabeth Loretta Bray, Bernice Mary Freeman, Lucy Freeman Graves, Messers Leslie Willard Allen, Charles Floyd Ewing, William Henry Watts. In the advanced academic are: Messers Elijah Henry Seaman, Frank William Sterritt, Glenn Henry Wakeman. Music for the occasion was furnished by Hammond’s orchestra. Mr. W. J. Sterritt presented the diplomas in his usual graceful manner making a few remarks appropriate to the occasion
Wonderful to read and recall the names listed from the past. I will keep the article on “Commencement at Union School” in our family files as well as our local history memory file.
That is really awesome.