Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Attendees: Julie Maedl, Ann Fisher-Bale, Janet Lyndaker, Vonda Westcott
The meeting was called to order at 8:17 AM by Julie Maedl
Treasurer’s Report $4,428. Julie contacted Mahar’s regarding the bill for the port-a-potty we rented for the Wine Event. Mrs. Mahar passed away and she did all the billing so they are trying to go through the paperwork. They will send us a bill.
Old Business
Tree Lighting: Approximately 90 people attended the tree lighting outside in Village Commons and about 75-80 went in the Methodist Church for hot cocoa and cookies afterward. The Middleport Community Choir led everyone in Christmas carols. A good time was had by all!
Annual Dinner Meeting: This is to be held on Wednesday, January 20th at Mr. Bond’s Diner. Hors d’oeuvres and wine (provided by Julie and Greg) at 5:30 PM and dinner will be served at 6:00 PM. Ann F-B will prepare the flyer and send to Julie to email to all members. Menu includes Chicken Parmesan, Garlic Rosemary Pork, Meatballs, Penne with sauce, Glazed Carrots, Chef Salad and Ice Cream Bar for dessert. Cost is $10 for members and $20 for guests.
New Business
We have a good sum in our treasury and Julie suggested that we all try to come up with ideas of how we can use our money for the good of the organization. Please start thinking of suggestions to put our money to good use and bring them to the Annual Dinner meeting on January 20th.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 AM.
The next meeting is our Annual Dinner meeting on January 20th at 5:30 at Mr. Bond’s Diner.