Members present: Don Scott, Keith Bond, Donna McCloy, Ann Fisher-Bale, Ann Busch, Janet Lyndaker, Julie Maedl, Greg Zakrzewski, Sarah Reed, Vonda Westcott
Meeting was called to order at 8:12 AM by President Greg Zakrzewski
Treasurer’s report – $3,256.82
Old Business:
Scholarship: Keith will check with the school to see about getting scholarship info on their website. It was also suggested that the student present their receipt or paid bill to receive the scholarship, rather than waiting until the end of the first semester. Keith also noted that since there are no business courses available for students, the school is trying to set up a business institute similar to what some other schools have.
Since the scholarship has not been taken advantage of, the possibility of dropping it was also discussed. If we decide to do this, Ann Busch suggested we use money for trees for the village. Julie noted when trees are taken down, the village replaces them. This has been difficult to do now, because the state wants trees planted on the resident’s side of the sidewalk, due to maintenance of power lines. There is a tree committee in the village for decisions regarding the trees.
July 4th – Goat Chip Bingo – Sarah is all set with the goat and banner. Julie will send 2 presale tickets to every member. If more are needed, please contact Julie. One more person is needed on the day of the event to help with ticket sales.
July 19th – Music in the Park – Greg will call Cindy regarding the wineries she may have already booked and if she still wants to be involved with the planning. Ann Busch volunteered to take over the signing of wineries if Cindy no longer wants to. Julie said that she believes Schulze, Vizcarra, and LynOaken Wineries are already signed up. Aslan will donate the water. There is also a permit that must be completed (Dept. of Agriculture). This has been done by Schwab Farms in the past, as they participate in the event.
We discussed ways to increase attendance. Using websites, Facebook and other social media such as Middleport, NY, Orleans Hub, etc. was suggested. Also flyers and signs as in the past.
Discussion regarding the presentation that Ann Holahan made at our February meeting. Ann Busch went with her to the agency meeting. Ann H would fill out the application to complete but must go through an agency (such as us) to partner with for the grant money. There are 21 other applicants. At this time, grant money would be designated for Don & Sherry Heschke for the renovation of the former Reale’s Barbershop and Dominic Ciliberto for the FMC Community Bldg (formerly Mr. Bill’s). All work is done first and receipts must be turned in to be reimbursed for half of the cost (depending on available money). It is unsure as to how much money is available and how many of the 21 applicants would be accepted
New Business:
Ann Fisher-Bale – the annual Pride Magazine will be published soon. It highlights businesses in the communities around the area. Businesses can advertise on the Middleport page for $85. Please contact Ann if interested.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:57 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Vonda Westcott, Secretary
Next Meeting: Wed., April 8 at 8 AM at Darrell’s Place, Middleport.