RHBPA January & February 2016 Meeting Notes

RHBPA Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
Attendees: Greg Zakrzwski, Julie Maedl, Ann Fisher-Bale, Janet Lyndaker, Ann Busch, Vonda Westcott

The meeting was called to order at 8:17 AM by Greg Z.

Treasurer’s Report $4,283.58. (minus payment of $220 to Keith Bond for the Annual Dinner Meeting so total is $4,063.58.)

Old Business
Annual Dinner Meeting Minutes – January 20th, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 7:40 PM by Greg Z. He thanked Keith for a great dinner. It was noted that attendance was low. We need ideas on how to boost membership.

Old Business
Fund Raiser – It was decided that we will add Goat Chip Bingo to the Music In The Park event. We will need another volunteer to help with that as Sara will not be available.

The door prize (plant with scratch-offs) was won by Brooke Yaiser and the wine was won by Vonda
Westcott and Janet Lyndaker.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

New Business
Treasury – We have a good sum in our treasury and Julie suggested that we try to come up with ideas of how to use our money for the good of the organization. Please start thinking of suggestions to put our money to good use in and around the Royalton-Hartland district.

Membership – We currently have 24 members (previous high was 42 total members). Ideas were discussed to improve membership. Suggestion was made to make a flyer with our mission statement. Another idea was to provide a link to our website. It was also suggested to have some evening meetings to give an opportunity to those who can’t attend the morning meeting. Ann F-B will compile a list of businesses in Roy-Hart and Orleans County so that we can target them for membership.

Scholarship – Greg will get paperwork started to send to Colleen Albee at the Guidance Office.

Town of Royalton Bi-Centennial Year – This will be next year. We should start thinking of ways to participate.

Spring Home Improvement Edition and Pride Edition/Business Directory will be coming out soon. Ann F-B will provide more information at next meeting.

Goals for next meeting – come up with ideas for our brochure to boost membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 AM

Respectfully submitted,

Vonda Westcott

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